10 al-Shabab militants killed in Somalia | News Room Odisha

10 al-Shabab militants killed in Somalia

Mogadishu : Somali National Army (SNA) on Wednesday said its forces had killed 10 al-Shabab militants and arrested six others during an operation near Jamame town in the southern part of the country.

SNA Infantry Deputy Commander, Ismail Sheikh Isak said the SNA backed by Jubaland state forces carried out the operation following intelligence about the presence of the militants, Xinhua news agency reported.

“The militants who had been arrested provided intelligence that helped our SNA forces to kill the 10 terrorists,” Isak said, adding the security operation has continued for about two weeks and will be sustained until al-Shabab militants are flushed out of their strongholds in the area.

Sources said there was heavy fighting between the two sides but the government forces eventually overpowered the terrorists resulting in the casualties.