5T School Transformation: Statewide Parents-Teacher Meetings Organised to Communicate and Contribute for Holistic Development of Schools

Bhubaneswar: Adhering to the true principles of transformation under the 5T Initiatives, Parents-Teacher meetings were organized today across the state in all the High Schools that have been transformed by the Government of Odisha.

The Parents-Teachers Meetings saw wholehearted participation of parents in large numbers in every school with the teachers utilizing the occasion as an opportunity to open two ways of communication for welfare of school and the children.

The PTMs, also attended by officials of the School and Mass Education Department, discussed about the use and management of the various aspects related to the 5T High School Transformation Program. The teachers discussed with the parents in detail about the 5-Initiatives and the impact on academic growth, improvement of school infrastructure, teaching and learning through Smart Classrooms, teaching through E-content, use of E-libraries, advanced science labs, availability of clean drinking water and use of toilets, cleanliness of schools, development of sports and playgrounds.

The parents also participated actively in the meeting and appreciated the initiatives taken by the Government of Odisha for qualitative development of the students and the overall improvement of the schools. They also came forward to be a part of the initiative and cooperate in the school transformation process. More than 4000 High Schools across Odisha have been transformed under the ambitious 5T High School Transformation Program till date.

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