6 Democrats revv up efforts to help undocumented immigrants | News Room Odisha

6 Democrats revv up efforts to help undocumented immigrants

New York: A group of six Democrats are revving up efforts to help millions of undocumented immigrants by reintroducing the “Renewing Immigration Provisions of the Immigration Act of 1929”.

The bill would affect roughly 8 million immigrants who have been residing in the US for at least seven years, and give them a chance to obtain their green cards through registry, according to a statement released by the six House Democrats.

The bill updates an existing status adjustment process in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), better known as registry to allow immigrants to apply for permanent residency or a green card.

The registry provision was first enacted on March 2, 1929. It permitted certain immigrants that had been continuously present in the US since June 3, 1921, to apply for permanent residency.

Since then, the cut-off date for eligibility for the registry has been modified several times but it was last updated via the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act to January 1, 1972 — marking 37 years since the last significant update to this provision, which could legalise the status of millions of Americans-in-waiting.

“For decades, immigrants who contribute significantly to our communities and our economy have been relegated to a legal limbo,” said Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, a senior member of the House Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement Subcommittee and a former immigration lawyer.

Lofgren further said that updating this historically-bipartisan provision to provide lawful permanent resident status to vetted immigrants will make America stronger.

“In the US, we rely on the work and efforts of immigrants, but our nation’s broken immigration system has failed these hardworking men and women.

They deserve better, and this historic bill a” by making a simple update to America’s registry law a” would provide a pathway to permanent legal status and even citizenship for so many,” said Congresswoman Norma Torres.

Along with Torres and Lofgren, other sponsors of the bill include Representatives Grace Meng, Adriano Espaillat, Lou Correa, Jesus “Chuy” Garcia.