Nirbhaya Case: Convicts to Be Hanged on Feb 1 at 6 am

New Delhi: A Delhi court today issued a fresh death warrant for the four convicts of Nirbhaya gang-rape and murder case for February 1.

The convicts – Vinay Sharma, Mukesh Singh, Akshay Kumar Singh and Pawan Gupta will be hanged at 6 AM.

Issued by Additional Sessions Judge Satish Kumar Arora, the new warrant was signed just hours after President Ram Nath Kovind rejected a mercy petition filed by Mukesh Singh, one of the convicts.

The new warrant is dated to exactly 14 days from today, in accordance with a law that states convicts to be executed must have a two-week reprieve from the time their mercy plea is turned down.

As per the previous warrant, the convicts were to be hanged at Delhi’s Tihar Jail on January 22.

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