5T Effect: Odisha Earns ‘Fastest Movers’ Tag in NITI Aayog’s SDG Report-2019

Bhubaneswar: Owing to good governance under 5T and Mo Sarkar  initiative led by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, Odisha has made a significant gain of around 7 points from 51 to 58 points to earn the “fasted mover” tag in the  Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) India index brought out by the NITI Aayog and UN for 2019.

According to the SDG report, Odisha stands second in overall improvement, with an increase of 7 points, from 51 to 58.

Goal 9 has contributed mostly to the rise with a jump of 40 points. Goals 6 and 7 follow, with an increase of 39 and 27 points, respectively.

The biggest improvement has been in goal 7 – affordable and clean energy, where the jump has been by 40 points. Scores in goal 6 – clean water and sanitation and goal 9 – industry, innovation, and infrastructure, have climbed by 39 and 34 points, respectively.

Odisha has raised the levels of prosperity for its people manifold in the recent past. However, challenges remain in many areas including health, nutrition, basic infrastructure, quality of education among others.

Sikkim is the third best State in overall improvement: from a score of 58 to that of 65, indicating an increase by 7 points. The State has achieved commendable improvement in goal 7 where it has recorded an increase by 55 points.

SDG1- Eradication of Poverty
SDG2- Zero Hunger
SDG3:   Good Health and Well-being
SDG4: Quality Education
SDG5: Gender Equality
SDG6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG10: Reduced inequalities
SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG13: Climate action
SDG14: Life Below Water
SDG15: Life on Land
SDG16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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