Imran’s wife’s friend Farah flees Pakistan, financier Asleem Khan says she has taken PM’s slush money abroad

Addressing a packed press conference on Monday, Aleem said Imran Khan “is a liar and hypocrite who has been adamant to destroy Pakistan”.

Challenging Imran Khan to a live TV debate, Aleem said, “Mr Imran Khan, who the hell are you to call others traitors? I will show your messages to me to the whole world and I will expose your fraud in the name of Naya Pakistan. You destroyed PTI’s image for Buzdar, you allowed loot maar”.

He also accused Imran Khan’s third wife Bushra Begum and her close friend Farah, who left the country on Sunday.

“Farah indulged in huge corruption, she has run away from Pakistan, everyone knows on whose behalf she was acting. Farah Bibi used to get bribes for each posting as well as contract. There is too much evidence against her.”

“Anyone who doesn’t agree with Imran Khan is a traitor and part of the CIA’s international conspiracy,” he said.

Aleem said that he was forced to speak out as Imran Khan’s social media team had started calling him a “traitor”.

In an open challenge to Imran Khan, he said, “I dare you to come and face me. I will shoot myself if I am proven wrong, and you should shoot yourself if you are proven a liar, don’t be a coward, come out and face me.

“They called me and Jehangir Tareen traitors – Jehangir is actually unwell and getting treatment in London,” he said.

“Mr Imran Khan, what kind of a sportsman are you? You have run away from a fair game, You are a coward. The whole nation saw you lost the majority and the numbers and the trust and you ran away, ” Aleem Khan said referring to the no-confidence motion which was dismissed by the deputy speaker.

Days before the no-confidence vote, Imran Khan’s former close aide of Abdul Aleem Khan, had joined the dissident group of ruling party led by Jahangir Khan Tareen last month. Like Tahreen, Aleem Khan is a rich politician of Pakistan who owns Samaa TV and other business groups. He had been with Imran Khan since 2012.

Visibly angry, Aleem was unstoppable.

“I salute Salik Chaudhary and Tariq Bashir Cheema and others for standing up against your bullying. Now go on and call them Traitors, I challenge you to call them traitors?”

“All those people who worked for Naya Pakistan alongside Imran Khan, are ignored and humiliated. All of us who were part of the Pakistan Tehreek-e Insaf (PTI) and were sincere,” said Aleem.

It was reported that time that Aleem Khan controls about 12 parliamentarians and Jahangir Tahreen has a block of 31 members of the ruling PTI party in the Pakistan National Assembly, which is known as Forward Block and they were determined to vote against Imran Khan in no-confidence vote on April 3 which was blocked by Imran Khan and his coterie unconstitutionally which in now being heard in the Supreme Court.


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