Temple construction will change face of Ayodhya, create new jobs

In Ayodhya, there are a large number of shops related to worship around Hanumangarhi, in which many things are sold, including flowers, worship materials etc.

Along with the livelihood of these shopkeepers, these shops also provide employment to the people around. The way the Ram temple is being prepared and the road map for the development of new Ayodhya has been prepared, it is clear that in the coming time, Ayodhya will get world-class recognition and the people living there will get more work and profit.

Speaking to IANS, the traders said that they are very happy with the construction of the Ram temple. “Now roads are being widened by removing our shops, and on the other hand work is on to allot us shops in other locations, which will benefit us a lot,” they said.

Shopkeepers say that the administration has started paying attention to Ayodhya and along with the Ram temple, other places are also being developed where new means of employment can be generated.


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