Thousands Throng Sri Mandira To Witness Naba Jaubana Besha of Holy Trinity

Puri: With the three sibling deities Lord Jagannath, Devi Subhadra and Lord Balabhadra getting cured after anasara, today is the time for the celestial darshan known as the Naba Jaubana Besha. Lakhs of devotees today thronged Puri to witness this and get the blessing of the deities. On this day, the rejuvenated sibling deities give a glance to the devotees after a fortnight of staying in the Anansara Ghara. The freshly painted and decorated deities give darshan after the customary arati by the servitors. Devotees have the darshan of the trinity after a gap of two weeks. As Lord Jagannath and the siblings fall ill after taking heavy bath during the Snaana Purnima and retire into the Anasara Ghara, they need a full fortnight’s treatment with herbs, complete rest and dieting. The recovery of the deities and when the Lord gets back his juvenile youth, it is marked as Naba Jaubana Besha.

The district administration has made detailed arrangements for the smooth functioning of the various rituals. While Parimanika Darshan held between 8 am and 9 am, the Sahana Mela or public darshan is going on. About 70 platoons of police forces have been deployed in the city.

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