Sambalpur: Ex-Senior Clerk in District Police Office Convicted in Vigilance Trap Case

Sambalpur: Hari Shankar Nai, a retired senior clerk in office of District Police Office, Sambalpur, was convicted in a Vigilance trap case.

Nai, who was charge sheeted by Odisha Vigilance in a case vide Special Judge, Vigilance, Sambalpur TR No 2/2007 U/s 13(2) r/w 13(1)(d)/7 PC Act, 1988 for demanding and accepting bribe from the complainant for processing her nomination roll, was convicted by Special Judge, Vigilance, Sambalpur and sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a period of 2 years and fine of Rs.10,000 and in default of payment of fine, to undergo further rigorous imprisonment for a period of 6 months for the offence U/s 13(2) r/w 13 (1)(d) of PC Act, 1988.

The Court further sentenced him to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a period of 1 year and to pay fine of Rs.5,000 and in default of payment of fine, to undergo further rigorous imprisonment for a period 3 months for the offence U/s 7PC Act, 1988. Both the sentences are to run concurrently.

Odisha Vigilance will now move the competent authority for stoppage of pension of Nai following his conviction.

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