Ama Odisha Nabin Odisha: Awareness Camps to Be Held in 6794 GPs in State 

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Government has decided to organize GP level awareness camps under the ‘Ama Odisha Nabin Odisha’ initiative in in 6794 GPs of the State.

A proposal of Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department has been approved by the State Cabinet at its 68th meeting.

For inclusive Development of Rural Odisha, State Government had earlier launched the initiative “Ama Odisha Nabin Odisha”. In order to carry forward the transformative journey of Rural Odisha, it is necessary to build upon the current initiatives to augment rural infrastructure leading to accelerated growth as well as to preserve the rich cultural heritage of the State, Government has now decided to organise GP level awareness camp in 6794 GPs of the State under “Ama Odisha Nabin Odisha”, according to an official release.

Under the AONO intervention, inclusive development of the rural Odisha will be prepared at GP level which will include development of the Primary Schools, Religious, Community Based Projects, Mission Shakti Gruha, and Miscellaneous including digital transformation projects.

Under the plan Local felt need based projects shall be taken up convening GP Level meeting with local people / community organization /public representatives /line Department Officials and other stake holders etc.

The shelf of projects will be received from the inhabitants of concern GP, PRI Members , SHG members, members of various community organizations, line Department Officials etc. shall be compiled in consultation with GP and shall be placed in the GP level meeting for finalization.

After finalization, the plan will be submitted to PR & DW Department for Government approval. The time line for conduct of GP level meeting will be from 15th January to ls’t week of February 2024.

Apart from finalization of the Plan in the GP level meeting, IEC activities will be taken up on various schemes of Government for generating awareness among the people.

An amount of Rs. 3 lakhs per GP for 6794 GPs will be provided for preparation of plan and IEC activities. The total requirement of funds will be Rs. 203.82 crores for conducting of these activities.

Preparation of the plan is under the initiative of ‘Ama Odisha Nabin Odisha”. For this, the approved budget Rs. 4000 Crore is enhanced to Rs. 4200 crore.

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