Himachal medical college professor convicted for outraging student’s modesty

Shimla: A court at Kangra in Himachal Pradesh has convicted and sentenced a medical college professor to imprisonment for a year in an outrage of modesty case.

Rajinder Yadav, Professor and Head of the Department, Biochemistry, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College, Tanda, was also sentenced to undergo imprisonment for two months for wrongful confinement under Section 342 of Indian Penal Code. All the sentences would run concurrently.

An FIR for commission of offences punishable under Sections 342 and 354 of the IPC was registered on January 17, 2008, at Kangra police station.

It was alleged that Yadav wrongfully restrained the complainant student “in such a manner so as to prevent her from proceeding beyond certain circumscribing limits. Thereafter, the accused used criminal force intending to outrage and outraged the modesty of informant”.

Judicial Magistrate (First Class) Shubhangi Joshi observed: “It can be seen that the presence of the accused on the spot on the day of incident has been duly proved by corroboration of all the witnesses. Further, the fact that the accused was with the complainant in a closed room and the act of outraging her modesty has been corroborated by all the witnesses.”

The magistrate also observed action was followed by immediate application/complaint filed by the complainant to the principal, followed by complaint to the SHO and several other complaints to the head of the department.

All this went on to show that the complainant was scared of her future and thereby filed these complaints.

The magistrate further observed it was important to see that at the time of the commission of the offence around 15 years ago the accused was a middle age person and had full sense of what he was doing.

The convict was also asked to pay a fine of Rs 1,000 under Section 354 of Indian Penal Code”.


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