Biden supporters celebrate his ‘best ever’ speech in Pennsylvania

New York: US President Joe Biden’s speech in Pennsylvania — in which he attacked his predecessor Donald Trump and held him responsible for threatening democracy for his alleged insurrection on Capitol three years ago — has been celebrated by his supporters terming it as the “best speech ever”.

Biden launched his campaign at Blue Bell in Pennsylvania with a speech that called out the former President and those involved in the riots that took place three years ago.

“The topic of my speech today is deadly serious, and I think it needs to be made at the outset of this campaign,” Biden told supporters.

Addressing the tumultuous events of January 6, 2021 at Capitol, scene of siege by Trump supporters, President Biden said events that took place just days before his inauguration, were actions by Trump supporters and apportioned large part of the blame on Trump.

“Three years ago, we saw with our own eyes the violent mob storm the United States Capitol. He [Trump] promised it would be ‘wild,’ and it was. He told the crowd to ‘fight like hell,’ and all hell was unleashed. He promised he would right them. Everything they did, he would be side by side with them. Then, as usual, he left the dirty work to others. He retreated to the White House,” Biden said.

A survey, conducted on behalf of Newsweek by Redfield & Wilton Strategies on December 19 among 1,500 U.S. adults, revealed a majority of Americans fear that another event like the January 6, 2021 uprising can happen again in the coming years.

Right-and left-wing figures and netizens have called the Biden’s speech as “the best speech ever” while others branded it a “doomer speech”.

“Wow. That was the best speech I’ve ever seen President Biden deliver. He called out Trump & MAGA forcefully. He showed what true leadership looks like. President Biden rose to the occasion. This speech will go down in the history books as one of the best. Thank you, Joe Biden,” Victor Shi, a Biden delegate, wrote on X.

Democrat supporter Harry Sisson remarked: “The speech that President Biden just gave is by far one of the most powerful and important speeches of his presidency. He was strong, clear, and intentional. Biden unequivocally supports our constitution and our democracy. Donald Trump doesn’t.”

“Well I’m crying now,” X user Jo wrote. “President Biden just gave the speech of his life.”

Biden’s detractors seemed less enthusiastic with Right-wing pundit Charlie Kirk writing on X: “Joe Biden brags in his J6 [January 6] doomer speech that his DOJ [Department of Justice] has targeted 1,200, convicted 900, and sentenced them to 840 years in prison. He wants his political opponents afraid this can happen to them too. What a sick man.”

Congresswoman Mary Miller said on X: “Joe Biden gave another dark, authoritarian speech attacking the 74 million American citizens who voted against him because they want to Make America Great Again, while he wants to open our borders and flood our country with illegal immigrants, drug traffickers, and terrorists.”

Another user, posting under the name Paul A. Szypula, wrote: “This is what tyranny looks like. It’s celebrated by those who carry it out and used to make the people too afraid to resist the government. This is why Democrats want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment. They know once that goes there will really be no stopping their tyrannical ways.”

Michelle Whitzel wrote, “Well, one thing we can take away from Joe Biden’s speech is that he hates half the country and he is encouraging the other half of the country to do the same.”

Trump himself responded to Biden’s comments at his own campaign rally in Iowa. He called Biden’s campaign launch speech as fear-mongering and mocked his stuttering.


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