Odisha Reduced Poverty By Nearly 50 Percent In Five Years: Niti Aayog Report

Bhubaneswar: Reinforcing the commitment of the Government of Odisha towards poverty reduction and the positive impact 5T Initiatives is bringing, a report of the Niti Aayog has found that Odisha has reduced its Multi-dimensional poverty by 48 percent. The Report says that Odisha achieved significant reduction in the Multi-dimentional Poverty in the five years between 2015-16 and 2019-21. The report also says that the fastest reduction in the proportion of multidimensional poor was observed in the States of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, and Rajasthan.

While the Report says that, in total, 24.82 crore people escaped Multidimensional Poverty in India in the last 9 years, Odisha has successfully brought more than One crore people out of poverty during the same five year period. The report, NITI Aayog’s Discussion Paper ‘Multidimensional Poverty in India since 2005-06’ prepared in association with the UNDP also says that all the 12 MPI indicators show significant signs of improvement. Between 2015-16 and 2019-21, Odisha’s poverty head count ration has declined from 29.34 to 15. 68 percent. In total, 102.78 lakh people have been taken out of poverty in Odisha. What is more significant is, according to the Report, during the FY 2022-23 the headcount ration stood at a significant decline at just 11. 07 percent (Extrapolated using data from 2015-16 & 2019-21).

The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) is a globally recognized comprehensive measure that captures poverty in multiple dimensions beyond monetary aspects. MPI’s global methodology is based on robust Alkire and Foster (AF) method that identifies people as poor based on universally acknowledged metric designed to assess acute poverty, providing a complementary perspective to conventional monetary poverty measures.

According to the Discussion Paper, India has registered a significant decline in multidimensional poverty from 29.17 % in 2013-14 to 11.28% in 2022-23 i.e. a reduction of 17.89 percentage points. Uttar Pradesh registered the largest decline in the number of poor with 5.94 crore people escaping multidimensional poverty during the last nine years followed by Bihar at 3.77 crore, Madhya Pradesh at 2.30 crore and Rajasthan at 1.87 crore.

Significant initiatives covering all dimensions of poverty have led to 24.82 crore individuals escaping multidimensional poverty in the last 9 years. As a result, India is likely to achieve its SDG target of halving multidimensional poverty well before 2030. The Government’s persistent dedication and resolute commitment to enhancing the lives of the most vulnerable and deprived have been instrumental in this accomplishment.

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