‘AAP minister lied to public, Red light on Gadi off campaign was to be launched on Oct 31’

New Delhi: Amid the ongoing face-off between Delhi government and Lieutenant Governor (L-G) V.K. Saxena on “Red light on Gadi off” campaign, the L-G office source on Friday said that the campaign was to be launched on October 31, not on October 28 as being claimed by AAP minister Gopal Rai.

An LG office source said that the file which was sent by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal clearly mentions October 31 as the date for the scheme to be rolled out.

“AAP Minister Rai lied to the people of Delhi that the campaign of ‘Red light on Gadi off’ was to be launched on October 28. The file sent to LG by Chief Minister Kejriwal clearly mentions the date as October 31,” the source told IANS.

“In view of above, considering the importance and urgency, it is proposed that the matter may be placed before the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of Delhi for issuing explicit directions to the officers of concerned departments to immediately deploy 2500 civil defence volunteers and implement the scheme ‘Red Light On, Gaddi Off’ campaign during this winter (latest by 31st October, 2022) as the air quality level is expected to deteriorate dangerously”, mentions the file signed by Environment Minister Gopal Rai which IANS has the access.

The source claimed that the file was sent to LG Sectt on October 21, after which offices fully opened only on October 27 after the weekend, Gazetted holiday and Restricted holiday.

“The files sent to LG are not perfunctory in nature. They require proper consideration and application of mind”, the source said. Gopal Rai convened a Press Conference on Thursday when LG was out of office with prior commitments, including dedication of waterfalls to the people of Delhi at Asola- Bhati and then at the Rashtrapati Bhawan, he added further.

“Dust, biomass burning and vehicle pollution are the main contributors to the pollution in Delhi. The campaign plays an important role in reducing vehicular pollution in Delhi. The campaign was supposed to start tomorrow but it has been unfortunately shelved due to the LG’s refusal”, said the Minister had said during a press briefing on Thursday.


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