Another Feather in Odisha’s Cap: State’s Unemployment Rate Lowest in Country

Bhubaneswar: Odisha has become a role model in job creation in the country. The Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik-led Odisha Government’s all-out efforts to create conducive environment for massive investment, industrial development and job creation have been bearing fruits in reducing employment rate in the State.

As per the latest report of economic think-tank Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd (CMIE), Odisha ranks first among the States with the lowest unemployment rate in the country.

Odisha tops the country with an unemployment rate of 1.0 per cent as of February 2022 as policy decisions and better management of the state government helped create various employment opportunities for the youth, as per the report.

The CMIE report ‘Unemployment in India a Statistical Profile’ provides estimates of the labour force, labour force participation rate, employed and unemployed persons and the unemployment rate during the September-December 2021 period.

Odisha has done exceptionally well in creating job opportunities with its 5T-backed business friendly policy decisions and development model.

While the national unemployment rate is 7.4 per cent, Odisha’s unemployment rate is 1.0 per cent. Meghalaya is second with 1.4 per cent and Karnataka is fourth with two per cent. The unemployment rate is 32.3 per cent in Rajasthan, 31 per cent in Haryana, 15 per cent in Jharkhand and 14 per cent in Bihar.

Under the leadership of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, Odisha is fast emerging as the manufacturing hub in the country. The State Government has always endeavored for a holistic business environment for the investors in Odisha.

The investor sentiment towards Odisha is extremely encouraging. Even during the difficult Covid-19 pandemic time, Odisha has been able to attract new investment of over one lakh crores across multiple sectors.

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