Back after a 2-year hiatus, Sunburn 2022 shows signs of a burnout

As it returned after a two-year hiatus because of the pandemic, it was expected to pull in huge pool of music lovers instead, the stages are playing it to the plants and the herbs because the artistes haven’t been able to entice the audience.

The drones have to manage with trick shots to give an impression of sizeable chunk of crowd. The culinary delights as promised by the festival stand no ground in reality.

The headlining artistes on the other hand, are arriving late at the venue leading to pressure situation for the preceding artistes as they have to hold the whatever dismal size of audience present in the fanpits.

The festival management has occupied and barricaded roads in the vicinity which is turning out to be an ordeal for the regular tourists in Goa who have landed in the state just to have a good time and bid adieu to the year on a peaceful note.

Rather, they’re battling annoying traffic and constant honking as the already narrow roads of Goa have swollen up and blocked arterial roads.

Overall, this year’s Sunburn is turning out to be a complete flop show and a classic case of tall promises razed to the ground, courtesy the utter miscommunication and mismanagement.


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