Berhampur ITI’s E-Waste Robot Makes It to Asia Book of Records | News Room Odisha

Berhampur ITI’s E-Waste Robot Makes It to Asia Book of Records

Berhampur: A robot developed out of electronic wastes by the students of the Odisha Government-run Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Berhampur has made it to the Asia Book of Records.

The 30’ ft robot is being regarded as the tallest e-waste sculpture in the country. It was inagurated in November last year.

The trainees from Electrician, ERobotdonics and Painter trade of Berhampur ITI students have developed the unique sculpture out of e-wastes such as electronic toys, PCB, printer, printer cartridge, RAM, keyboard and mouse.

The 30’ ft tall ‘ROBO’ weighs 3 tonnes. The e-waste for the robot was collected from Berhampur city.

Through the sculpture, the students appeal to the people to reconnect with Mother Earth by being responsible in the scientific management of e-waste.

As e-waste generation is very high in the current age and they comprise many toxic elements, including copper, liquid crystal, lithium, mercury, nickel, selenium, arsenic and barium, the robo is an effort to spread awareness among the people for environmental protection and proper management of e-waste. When e-waste is not properly managed, the risks of air and water pollution become significantly hhigher.

With this robot, the ITI Berhampur wants to create awareness for the scientific management of e-waste, said Dr Rajat Kumar Panigrahy, Principal, ITI, Berhampur.

He also expressed his happiness as the unique sculpture got global recognition.

Earlier, the open-air scrap sculpture park of the IIT Berhampur featured in the Asia Book of Records with the book declaring it as the largest open-air scrap sculpture park in Asia.

Asia Book of RecordsBerhampur ITIE-Waste Robot