Collectors, Municipal Commissioners to Clasify Red, Orange and Green Zones in Odisha

Odisha Takes Gram Panchayat as Unit for Clasify Zones

Bhubaneswar: In a significant development for the COVID-19 management more effectively, Odisha Government has decided that  Gram Panchayats or a cluster of Gram Panchayats will act as administrative unit for declaring Red, Orange or Green zones in lockdown 4.0.

Briefing media, Odisha Chief Secretary Asit Tripathy said, local authorities like Collectors in districts  and Municipal Commissioners in urban areas  have been given the responsibility of classifying areas into red, orange and green zones based on the relevant guidelines of the Health Ministry.

In another big move,  the Odisha Government has decided to treat all Quarantine Centres or Temporary Medical Centres as containment zone.

Similarly, COVID Care Centres and COVID Hospitals will be treated as containment zones. Local authorities, however will decide its boundary.

Very essential services like food and medicines will be allowed in these and nothing else will be allowed, the Chief Secretary stated.

He further said, no domestic or international air travel is allowed in the State except for the medical services like air ambulance and security related manoeuvre which will be permitted by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Schools, colleges, educational training and coaching institutions will also remain closed in the State.

He further stressed on the online and distance learning. Hotels and restaurants are allowed only for take away, he added.

Canteens at bus stands, railways, airports which are essential will continue to function, he added.

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