DGP Abhay And Senior Officials In Gurasetu To Review Security in Swabhiman Area | News Room Odisha

DGP Abhay And Senior Officials In Gurasetu To Review Security in Swabhiman Area

Malkanagiri: Within days of the setting up of the Company Operating Base at Gursetu in the Swabhiman area of Malkanagiri district, DGP Abhay today is on visit to the area to review the security arrangements.

The LWE affected Swabhiman anchal particularly the Gursetu and Panasput area are in focus after the Odisha Police and BSF jointly established a Company Operation Base (COB) recently.

Along With DGP Abhay, R K Sharma, Director Intelligence, Amitabh Thakur, IG Operations and IG BSF are visiting the area.

DGP Abhay and the visiting team interacted with the local people and distributed cloths and books for the children. They also promised for the overall development of the area. DGP has once again requested the maoists to shun violence and join the mainstream.

DGP Abhay