Dredging Corporation MD claimed to be MBA from institute which does not exist | News Room Odisha

Dredging Corporation MD claimed to be MBA from institute which does not exist

New Delhi: G.Y.V Victor, the now suspended managing Director and CEO of Dredging Corporation of India claimed to be an MBA/Diploma from India Institute of Management Services, New Delhi but after probing the matter in detail it was found that no such institute is in existence.

G.Y.V Victor obtained permission to do PHD from Anna University in regular mode but in contrary he perused PHD in regular mode at JU (based in West Bengal) and he was claiming to have also been simultaneously working in Amareena Consults (based in Tamil Nadu) and Archirodon based in Dubai.

The wordings/sentences of the experience certificates submitted by G.Y.V Victor from different organisations were found to be in the same language.

“As such it has been concluded in the investigation that G.Y.V. Victor is prima-facie not eligible to be considered for the post of MD & CEO as per the criteria set out in the advertisement and that his claims of experience are based on wrongful and wilful suppression of material facts and deliberate misrepresentation of facts. The detailed report setting out the above along with other observations was submitted by Chief Vigilance Officer to the Chairman, the company said in a statement.

Accordingly G.Y.V. Victor was placed under suspension by the Chairman on July 13 and taken note by the board of Directors in its meeting held on July 14. Further enquiry proceedings would be held and appropriate action taken as per the Disciplinary Rules of the Company.

After going through the application, the supporting documents, verification/validation of the same through different sources, it has been established in the report that there has been blatant suppression of facts, material misrepresentation of facts, fake claims and false claims in support of his experience criteria by G.Y.V. Victor in his application and supporting documents. As such he is prima facie not eligible to be considered for the post.

As per the requirement, the applicant should have worked in a listed Company having turnover of at least Rs 500 crore in the last three years prior to the date of advertisement. Victor has claimed experience for working in a firm which belonged to his family and also claimed to have received salary of Rs 50 lakh in previous year prior to joining DCI whereas the firm had “NIL” turnover and negligible expenditure towards salary in the last two years as per the documents uploaded with Ministry Corporate Affairs by the said firm. The firm was not a listed company but only a LLP firm.

Further, Victor was earlier working with DCI in a floating establishment from April ‘96 and was dismissed from Service in DCI in 2000 on disciplinary grounds after enquiry. As per the office order dated 2016 of DCI a dismissed employee cannot be reemployed in DCI in any capacity. He suppressed the material information of having been dismissed from the company in the application and also the attestation forms to be submitted to the company. Further while he was still in the rolls of the company he claimed to have worked in another organisation which is against the Rules of the company. As per the rules of the company, employees who have been dismissed cannot be considered for reappointment in the company in any capacity.

Victor claimed to work as Director in Amareena Group but he was only a Partner & not working as Director as Director needs to have a DIN which is a mandatory requirement that was allotted to him on February 26, 2021 only after joining DCI & he had shown same DCI DIN number for Amareena Group.