Enhance joint patrolling during night hours to prevent terrorist movement: IGP Kashmir

Srinagar: In order to enhance and evaluate security measures across the Valley, IGP Kashmir V.K. Birdi on Monday conducted a comprehensive security review meeting that was attended by top officers of security agencies including police, CRPF and army, an official statement said.

“During the meeting, the participating officers briefed IGP Kashmir about the overall security scenario and the security measures being adopted to counter the challenges. The discussions encompassed various facets, including intelligence gathering, threat assessments, emergency response protocols in view of VIP Visits and upcoming events like R-Day functions,” the statement said.

“The IGP Kashmir actively engaged with the officers, delving into discussions about initiatives aimed at maintaining law and order, as well as anti-terrorist operations within the valley.”

Highlighting the importance of continued efforts and coordination among different forces on the ground, Birdi Kashmir stressed upon strengthening collaboration between different law enforcement agencies for seamless information sharing and joint operations besides, exploring innovative technologies to augment existing security infrastructure and response capabilities.

“He urged officers to intensify anti-terrorist operations and take stringent action against individuals or organisations supporting anti-national activities. Besides, directed them to enhance joint patrolling especially during the night hours to prevent any terrorist movement,” the statement said.

During the meeting, the IGP also emphasised the importance of precision and coordination, outlining strategic measures to address potential challenges and uphold the highest standards of security.


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