Except Lingaraj Temple , All Religious Institutions to be Reopened from 3rd Jan in Bhubaneswar

Church Allowed to Open on December 25

Bhubaneswar: The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) has issued guidelines for phased reopening of the religious institutions under its jurisdiction.

Here are the guidelines:

1. Except Lord Sri Lingaraj Temple , all other religious institutions will be reopen from 03.01.2021 with strict observance of COVID – 19 safety protocols.

2. The local Committee of all the religious institutions shall ensure strict observance of COVID – 19 safety protocol such as : a . Wearing mask appropriately by the devotees / visitors at all times . b . Social distancing of six feet is maintained at all times by all the devotees / visitors . c . Hand washing / hand sanitizer facility to be provided by the religious institution authorities .

3. The local Committee of all the religious institutions under jurisdiction of BMC to submit an undertaking / Declaration to BMC regarding date of opening of their religious places and maximum number of devotees those will remain present / accommodated at one point of time by following the social distancing norm ( six feet ) according to their capacity of the institution .

4. Based on the undertaking submitted by the religious institution . BMC will issue an Order regarding the maximum ceiling of nos . of devotees to be congregated at one point of time .

5. The Church under jurisdiction of BMC will be allowed to open on 25th December considering Christmas Celebration . However the church authorities shall have to submit the undertaking / Declaration to BMC regarding the accommodation of maximum number of devotees at one point of time following the social distancing norm ( six feet ) according to their capacity of the institution . And based on the undertaking submitted by the religious institution , BMC will issue an Order regarding the maximum ceiling of nos . of devotees to be congregated at one point of time . However the permission will be valid for 25.12.2020 only .

6. Spitting inside & outside the premises and chewing of PAN / Ghutka is strictly prohibited .

7. The person with SARI / ILI like symptoms shall not be allowed to enter the religious institution . Other vulnerable group of people such as person with co – morbidities , old age persons , pregnant women or children below 10 years of age advised not to visit the religious institutions .

8. Participants who have returned from overseas shall have to abide by the protocols for quarantine / isolation issued by Govt . of India / Govt . of Odisha from time to time before visiting the religious institution .

9. The above conditional permission to be followed scrupulously by all concerned . Any deviation will entail individual action as per provision and also revision of institution re – opening permission .

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