Find permanent solution to landfill fire: Manoj Tiwari to Kejriwal

New Delhi : A day after fire broke out at the Bhalswa landfill site in north Delhi, BJP Lok Sabha MP Manoj Tiwari on Wednesday urged Chief Minister Arvind Kjeriwal to call a meeting of all government and civic agencies to find out a permanent solution to the recurring problem.

In a letter to Kejriwal, Tiwari said, “Let’s not just fix the responsibility for the problems associated with landfill sites and fires there but also find a permanent solution to this health hazard.”

He said the pollution level in Delhi is already bad, which is worsening day by day, adding that the fire at the Bhalswa garbage dump has produced a lot of toxic smoke which is choking people in the nearby areas. Even a school in the area had to be shut due to the rising pollution level caused by the thick black smoke emanating from the Bhalswa landfill site.

“It is a matter of concern. We all must stop the blame game and do some positive work for Delhi and its people. Being the Chief Minister, you should call an urgent meeting of all the stakeholders,” he wrote.

“You are the Chief Minister who can call all the stakeholders along with the Members of Parliament from Delhi to look into the issues related to garbage dumps in the city, in view of health hazards faced by the Delhiites due to recurring incidents of fire. I anticipate a quick and positive response from you keeping in mind the interests of the people of the city,” Tiwari added.


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