Five Days Training Programme for Vocational Teachers Organized | News Room Odisha

Five Days Training Programme for Vocational Teachers Organized

Bhubaneswar: Vocational education has been given much importance to create skilled personnel. For revamping of 174 Govt Vocational Higher Secondary Schools (GVHSS) to National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF), under STARS Programme, a five days training programme was organised by Directorate of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha for 193 Junior Lecturers from 9th to 13th May at Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Bhubaneswar.

The faculties from Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE) Bhopal imparted the training with an objective to update the knowledge & skills of the Junior Lecturers, to disseminate the information on availability of educational and employ-ability opportunity among students, to understand the existing scheme of vocational program in the state and outlining the transition from current vocational program to NSQF aligned courses and to aware on the career prospects in vocational education. NSQF is a competency-based framework that organizes all qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills, and aptitude.

The sessions conducted in two simultaneous batches of around 100 participants each.

Along with the presentations and discussions, exposure visits to the premier World Skill Centre, Mancheswar and Central Tool Room and Training Centre, Chandaka, Industrial Area, Bhubaneswar (CTTC), Ministry of MSME, Govt. Of India was organised to gain practical knowledge. Participants spent about half-day in each of the campus and visited the facilities available both in its academic, Production and Training Departments and expose to the globally employbility opportunity in the State. The team is highly impressed with the state-of-the-art machinery and facilities available in the campus. Yoga for Health & Wellness was part of the program .

Subhashree Nanda , Special Secretary School & Mass education department and Deepak Palliwar, Joint Director, PSSCIVE, graced the valedictory session . While welcoming Raghuram R Iyer, Director, DHSE highlighted, on the Odisha being the first State to collaborate with PSSCIVE , Bhopal to host such kind of programme in Odisha, Along with faculties capacity building, Lab facility, school infrastructure etc to be strengthened.

Prof Mehrotra, enlightened on Vocational education , a system that allows individuals to get trained in the skills they are good at. Vocational education is based on the idea that everyone has a different skill set. Some are good at technical skills whereas some can possess artistic capabilities. The purpose of vocational education is to prepare students for future careers by gaining the necessary skills and experience. It helps students develop their skills and, thus, increases their opportunities for employment.

Subhashree Nanda, Special Secretary, School & Mass Education, Govt of Odisha focused on education that makes one more confident in their respective occupations. Vocational education trains students in a specific skill and this experience is directly linked to a career in the future. Such training is more useful because there are practical programs designed to help the students be accustomed to a professional setup. Vocational education is the need of the hour because the practical learning experience boosts confidence, generates employability, and better professionals. Vocational education allows them to prioritize their skill set also turns it into a skill that makes their career.

Deepak Palliwar, Joint Director, PSSCIVE, was highly impressed to listen to the feedback from participants. He expressed his thanks to Commissioner-cum-Secretary S& ME Department for organizing this programme with PSSCIVE and encouraged to use e-learning resources developed by PSSCIVE faculties as well as regular trainings in small batches of 40-50 to be organized. Vocational education is the learning of skills that one is interested in and might choose to build a career out of it. Academic achievements are given more importance and credibility. Whereas in the real world it is our skill and practical knowledge that makes us competent.

The vote of thanks given by Sunanda Mekap, Asst Director, DHSE to each and all present there and making the programme a success while Prof Tilottama Senapati , Deputy Director , DHSE and Rashmi Rekha Sethi , Associate Prof RIE., coordinated the 5 days event.