Home Ministry Allows Reopening of Neighborhood Shops In Non-Hotspot and Non-Containment areas

New Delhi: The Union Home Ministry has allowed opening up of standalone neighborhood shops to reopen but the exemptions will not be applicable in hotspots and containment areas. In a late night order, the government permitted the opening of neighborhood and standalone shops, including those located in residential complexes within municipal areas. The order mandates that the shops will have to take necessary precautions and not more than 50 percent of the workers can be employed.

Shops in market places, multi-brand and single brand malls located in municipality areas will remain closed till the end of the lockdown period. According to the MHA Order “all shops, including neighbourhood shops and standalone shops, shops in residential complexes, within the limits of municipal corporations and municipalities, registered under the Shops and Establishment Act of the respective State and UT” will be allowed to open. For shops situated in registered markets located outside the municipal corporations and municipalities, permission for resuming operations will be given after following the drill of social distancing and wearing of masks with 50 percent of strength.

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