Hot March indicates severe summer in Rajasthan

Jaipur:  The temperature in Rajasthan this year is expected to be above normal by 3 degree Celsius during the summer season, the Meteorological (MeT) department officials have indicated.

During February, the temperature in many cities of the state remained 2-3 degree Celsius higher. This time, the global factor behind the intense heat is believed to be the condition of La Nino to El Nino in the Western Pacific Ocean, say the MeT officials.

Its maximum impact will be in Bikaner district as well as in Jodhpur division (Pali, Jodhpur, Barmer, Jaisalmer and Nagaur). There is no possibility of respite even in the night.

It is also being reported that the temperature of Jaipur can cross 40 degrees in March.

According to meteorologists, the month of December 2022, and this years’ January and February months, the winter was less harsh than normal. In January, severe cold was felt in Rajasthan for a few days when the temperature was recorded in minus.

However, the temperature remained above normal in December. That is, the winter period was less. It didn’t even rain in December. This time in February also, the normal day temperature was 2 to 3 degree Celsius or more in most of the cities of the state.

In February, the average day maximum temperature of 24.86 degrees was recorded which was 3.40 degrees higher in North-West India (Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh). Earlier in 1960, this temperature reached 24.55 degrees in February.


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