India flattened wrong curve (GDP): Rajiv Bajaj | News Room Odisha

India flattened wrong curve (GDP): Rajiv Bajaj

New Delhi: Eminent industrialist, Rajiv Bajaj, MD of Bajaj Auto, said the national lockdown has managed to flatten the GDP curve and not the Covid-19 curve.

He has told this to Rahul Gandhi, in a social media interaction today morning.

He further said , it is the poor and the migrants have had to pay the maximum price over the past several weeks for the lockdown.

Bajaj stated that lockdown has not achieved its objectives. “There were four choices one was hard lockdown but this has not happened anywhere. At the other extreme is business as usual. Everyone is trying to find the middle path but India not just went west, it went wild west. You have flattened the wrong curve, not the Covid-19 curve but the GDP curve,” he said.

Bajaj then went on to say, ” We have fallen very short of disclosing facts, logic and the truth.”