IPL 2022: Snacks to binge on Guilt-free

The stage is set and your favourite team’s match is about to start, the only thing missing are the snacks to binge on.

Keeping guilt-free yet tasty snacks to binge on while watching IPL is a must. Hence, it is recommended to stock up on a few healthy and guilt-free snacks beforehand to avoid eating junk. Chirag Gupta, Founder 4700BC shares list of some fun snacks to keep handy for when you can’t take your gaze away from the screen.

. Popcorn: Popcorn has been the screen buff’s favourite. Popcorns have been everyone’s favourite snacks. Surprisingly enough, they are high in fibre content and low in calories. To make them more appealing, they now come in a vast variety of exciting flavours like Hawaiian BBQ, Sriracha Lime Cheese, and Spicy Chicken Cheese, which make consuming them more fun.<br>. Protein Pops (Foxnuts): Looking to binge on some healthy options? Foxnuts or makhanas are your saviours as you can now find them in unique and mouthwatering flavours. These delicious yet high in protein snack contains long-term health benefits, such as aiding in anti-ageing and curbing inflammation. Foxnuts are also a great snacking option for people avoiding gluten. A stomach-filling, easy store and nutritious item for people looking for healthy eating options while watching IPL.<br>. Corn Nuts: The perfect combination of corn nuts and beverages can never go wrong. When your favourite cricketer hits a sixer, you definitely don’t want to be busy contemplating what you should eat. It is quick, easy to gnaw on and keeps you sharp but doesn’t tip the scales towards unnecessary calories.<br>. Chocolate-coated Almonds: Almonds are known to be high in Vitamin E, and useful for preventing heart diseases, maintaining blood pressure and increasing focus and productivity. Now imagine, roasted almonds coated with the perfect amalgamation of dark, milk and white chocolate. all these benefits combined with dark chocolate not only make them scrumptious but also come with a host of benefits. 


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