I&PR Secy Explains Power of Social Distancing, Says One COVID-19 Patient Can Infect 406 People in 30 Days | News Room Odisha

I&PR Secy Explains Power of Social Distancing, Says One COVID-19 Patient Can Infect 406 People in 30 Days

Bhubaneswar: With Odisha Government focuses more on the enforcement of social distancing, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Commissioner-cum-Secretary of Information and Public Relations Department, today explained the power of social distancing to tackle the deadly Coronavirus.

Refering  an ICMR study, Singh explained that the possibility of the infection can be reduced to an average of two and a half persons per patient in a month.
He said that a Covid-19 patient can infect 406 people in 30 days if he does not follow any of the government guideline including social distancing.

If one infected person follows 50% of all guidelines prescribed by the government to contain the COVID-19, he/she may infected only 15 persons in a months.

Similar,  if  social exposure is reduced by 75 per cent then that one sick person will only be able to infect only 2.5 persons, Singh added.

Highlighting the importance of the social distancing, he appealed to the people to adopt social distancing and follow the lockdown order, saying this is a very important intervention in terms of coronavirus management.

Social distancing is a social vaccine in management of Covid-19, he further added.

COVID-19Odisha GovernmentSanjay Singh