Israel launches nationwide industrial pollution monitoring platform

Jerusalem:  Israel launched a new technological platform to enhance the monitoring of industrial pollution nationwide, the Ministry for Environmental Protection said in a statement on Monday.

According to the statement, the new platform gathers chimney emission data from factories that are mandated to install emission monitoring systems. It displays the information on a new website for the public, which enables quick and efficient trend analysis and the identification of anomalies.

The pollutants monitored include nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds.

The platform displays data in hourly or half-hour increments, daily summaries, and permissible emission limits for each pollutant, Xinhua news agency reported.

Currently, the platform includes about 300 continuous monitoring systems deployed across 177 chimneys in 67 factories in Israel, with additional factories to be added gradually, according to the statement.

It added that by providing real-time information, the platform would enable prompt responses from both factories and regulatory authorities when necessary.


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