Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu undergoes surgery, fitted with pacemaker

Jerusalem: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday underwent a surgery and was fitted with a pacemaker at Sheba Medical Center in Israel’s Tel Hashomer, a doctor from the medical facility said.

Netanyahu’s operation was triggered by a warning from a heart monitor that he had “transient” heart block, after which he was admitted to Center and operated upon, Eyal Nof, head of Invasive Electrophysiology Service at the Sheba Medical Center, was quoted as saying by CNN.

On July 15, the 73-year-old Prime Minister was discharged from the same medical centre after a series of medical checkups including lab tests and an electrocardiogram to measure his heart activity as he had complained of dizziness.

He was diagnosed with dehydration that time and discharged after implanting a heart recorder for continuous monitoring.



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