Israeli university launches national center for inventors

Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) has announced that it has set up a national center for inventors.

The center will encourage inventors from across the country, including school children, university students and faculty members, to move forward with their creative ideas, Xinhua news agency reported, citing a statement by the Technion.

For this purpose, the center will provide inventors with a variety of engineering tools for building models and testing them, the knowledge required for planning, and a professional technical team, it added.

The center is equipped with 3D printers, laser cutting systems, digital manufacturing systems, robotics and electronics systems and a sewing workshop.

“At the new center, people will be able to turn an idea into a prototype and a product, and examine its commercial feasibility with the guidance of experienced mentors,” said Technion President Uri Sivan.

The center is named after the Technion graduate Rafi Mehudar, an Israeli inventor who developed more than 400 patents.


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