Mumbai: Ace director Farah Khan also keeps the fans entertained with her YouTube channel. Recently, she visited Karan Johar at his Mumbai home and posted a few snippets of their meet on her channel.
The ‘Om Shanti Om’ director also took to her Insta account and shared a hilarious video where she is being styled by KJo. The caption for the post read, “The #karah reel you were waiting for ( not).. @karanjohar styling me !! Straight out of his closet!!”
The video features Karan Johar and Farah Khan indulging in a fun banter. KJo picked out a shimmery green coat for the fellow director and said, “Well guys, if you haven’t celebrated Christmas, this is your opportunity, this is your tree, hang whatever you want”. Disapproving of KJo’s choice, Farah Khan was heard saying, “Give me something else, I don’t want to be a tree.” Putting a red-shimmery coat on the director, Karan Johar says, “Then you want to be a ‘Stree’, you can also be a 600 grosser”, pointing out at the blockbuster hit.
Before this, Karan Johar hit back at the trolls with a fun social media post. Putting a hilarious spin on his relationship status, the ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ maker revealed that he is dating Instagram. KJo shared a note on his IG stories that read, “I am dating Instagram! It listens to me… makes me follow my dreams and even pays some bills! What’s not to love?”
On the work front, Karan Johar is reported to next direct an untitled series for streaming giant Netflix. While details regarding the project have been kept under wraps for now, the production work is scheduled to commence shortly.
Additionally, KJo will also be bankrolling the upcoming romantic entertainer “Tu Meri Main Tera, Main Tera Tu Meri” under the banner of Dharma Productions. Made under the direction of Sameer Vidwans, the movie will feature Kartik Aaryan as the lead. “Tu Meri Main Tera, Main Tera Tu Meri” is likely to be released in theatres by 2026.
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