Kochi: The Kerala High Court on Friday slammed the Pinarayi Vijayan government for joining the Congress-led opposition to call for a shutdown in the Wayanad district on November 19 to protest the Centre’s alleged reluctance in granting additional assistance for rehabilitation works in wake of the devastating landslide that washed away four villages in the district in July.
The court orally stated that flash ‘hartals’ (shutdowns) are “anti-people” as they affect the life and livelihood of citizens. I
IKt stated that the conduct of the government is “distressing and disturbing” and “grossly unfair to the people”.
“The UDF and LDF, both called for a hartal. What kind of irresponsible behaviour is this?… One can understand resorting to strike or something after 15 days’ notice, but something that is so anti-people as a flash hartal, something we are passing orders and condemning since 2019. There has been a public announcement, if I am not mistaken, by the UDF, that they are not going for flash hartals. The LDF, which is in governance resorts to the same thing and for what?” the court orally remarked.
“It has come to a stage that now we are wondering which is the bigger disaster, is it the natural disaster in Wayanad or this? Please inform the establishment of the government that this will not be tolerated by this court…What do you seek to achieve by this hartal of yours…You say that the Central government is not giving you funds, as if the hartal is going to get you more funds,” the court said.
Incidentally, it was the Opposition which first announced the shutdown and within minutes of their announcement, came the decision of the ruling CPI-M-led Left that they too are organising a shutdown. Consequent to it, on Tuesday, vehicles went off the roads and shops and establishments did not open for the day.
Kerala has sought a Rs 2,000-crore relief package from the Centre for Wayanad for the worst-ever tragedy that hit the state in July. Over the years the Kerala High Court has slammed successive governments for allowing the sudden call for shutdowns by various political parties as it causes innumerable troubles for those who have to travel.
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