Maha Drama : Uncertainty Continues Over Govt Formation

Mumbai: Even as the deadline is nearing for formation of new government by Saturday, uncertainty continues to loom in Maharashtra as both the BJP and Shiv Sena continue to be firm on their stand. Hectic parleys between the key players are expected in Maharashtra today, even after over two weeks since the assembly election results were announced on October 24.

Both the BJP and Shiv Sena will have to reach agreement by tonight, failing which the state might head for President’s Rule. The Bharatiya Janata Party with 105 seats and Shiv Sena with 56, have so far failed to reach an agreement over power sharing as BJP rejected Shiv Sena’s demand of Chief Minister’s post for 2 and a half year each.

Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut has yesterday reiterated in a press briefing yesterday that there was no change in his party’s stand on the demand for rotational Chief Minister’s post. Meanwhile, BJP leaders met Governor while Shiv Sena has shifted its MLAs to hotels amid rising fears of poaching.

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