Mountaineer Kalpana Das’ Outfit on Display at State Museum as Tribute | News Room Odisha

Mountaineer Kalpana Das’ Outfit on Display at State Museum as Tribute

Bhubaneswar: As a tribute to renowned mountaineer Kalpana Das who died while descending from Mt. Everest on May 23, the Odisha Government today put on the outfits of the mountaineer for display at the State Museum here.
The Odisha mountaineer had worn the outfit while scaling Mount Everest in 2004. She had donated the outfit to State Museum in 2017.
Kalpana along with Kanchhi Maya Tamang from Nepal and Liyamu Ma from China made it to the summit of Mt Everest at around 12:55 pm.
Kalpana, who was a member of the ‘Three Women Expedition’ locally managed by Dreamers Destination Treks died near the balcony area while descending from the summit point.

She had attempted to climb Mount in 2004 and 2006 but failed due to bad weather and health conditions. However, she scripted history on May 21, 2008 when she succeeded reaching the highest mountain peak in the world, along with a team of five members from the United States, Canada and Nepal.

kalpana Das