MRI centres under police radar after ‘wrong’ report in UP district

Muzaffarnagar (UP):  MRI centres in Muzaffarnagar are now under police radar after a woman lodged a complaint that she had got her ovaries removed earlier but a recent MRI report stated them to be “fine” and without any “swelling”.

Chief Medical Officer of Muzaffarnagar said: “We are going to launch a checking drive to verify the unauthorised MRI centres across the district. It is a serious issue as the MRI centre has issued a wrong report. A probe has been ordered into the matter.”

Shocked by the report, the woman and her husband approached the police claiming that a city-based renowned pathology lab is doing fraud with patients.

“I had got my ovaries removed a few years back. Then, how come they are fine and shown in the MRI report? This is fraud,” the victim said.

She also alleged that when she objected to the report, the path lab staffers misbehaved with her.

The Civil Lines police have now started an investigation into the matter.

Circle Officer city, Kuldeep Singh told reporters that “We have received a complaint and a probe is on. Action will be taken accordingly.”

According to Gulzar Mirza, the victim’s husband and a journalist with a Hindi daily newspaper in Muzaffarnagar: “When I complained about the report, the staff offered to conduct an MRI again, but I refused. When I tried to shoot the heated argument of the staff on my mobile phone, they snatched my phone and pushed and dragged me. They also misbehaved with my wife.”


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