Naveenism At Its Best: Pradeep Panigrahy Expelled For “Anti People” Activities

Bhubaneswar: In what could perhaps be the first instance in the history of Odisha and the country, a sitting MLA has been expelled from the party for “Anti People” activities. Chief Minister and BJD Supremo Naveen Patnaik has expelled Gopalpur MLA Pradeep Panigrahy on charges of Anti People activities.

There are instances wherein political parties have suspended or dismissed their MLAs for Anti Party Activities but never for Anti People activities. This opens a new chapter in the Indian political history on dealing with tainted leaders. This reiterates that for Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik people come first and the party comes next. This is an exemplary act by Naveen and highlights the Spirit of Naveenism ” People First”. This is what separates Naveen Patnaik from rest in the world of politics.

No wonder he is the Darling of PEOPLE and they bless him continuously to play a role in shaping the destiny of state.

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