New Zealand Provides Humanitarian Support for Afghanistan

Wellingtin: New Zealand is providing NZ$3 million ($2 million) in humanitarian assistance to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Afghanistan, Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta said on Friday.

Mahuta said in a statement that these organisations are providing life-saving humanitarian support for crisis affected communities in Afghanistan, and those seeking refuge in neighbouring countries, Xinhua news agency reported.

“The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is dire, with millions in need of assistance and hundreds of thousands displaced by the recent conflict, 80 per cent of whom are reported to be women and girls,” the Minister was quoted as saying.

In Afghanistan, the ICRC is currently focusing on protection of civilians and provision of essential services including emergency health care, water and sanitation, she said.

Mahuta added that the UNHCR is providing a range of protection and assistance support to internally displaced Afghans.

It is also supporting Afghan refugees in neighbouring countries.

New Zealand calls on all parties to respect international humanitarian law, protect aid workers and civilians from harm, and support the right to freedom of movement, Mahuta said.

The Minister also urged those in positions of power to ensure the rights and freedoms of women and girls are protected as this humanitarian crisis deteriorates.


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