Odisha Govt Takes Preventive Measures in View of Coronavirus Outbreak in China

Bhubaneswar: As the China’s novel Coronavirus has triggered fears in India and other Asian countries, the Odisha Government has taken preventive measures to check possible spread of this life-threatening disease in the State.

The State Government has asked the major hospitals and airports to closely monitor the situation and create the facilities for management, according to the media reports.

The Government has issued the following advisory to the hospitals and airports.

1. Any travel related cases reported to the community would be picked up and contact shall be followed up by the integrated disease surveillance program as per the interim guideline V1 (WHO) January 2020 (WHO/2019 nCoV/Surveillance/v2020.1).

2. The Airport authority of India based at Bhubaneswar & Jharsuguda will be requested to facilitate entry of screening & issue instruction for Airlines to follow the international Civil Aviation guideline for managing and notifying anybody reporting illness on flights originating from China & disembarking India directly or indirectly. Airport authority in those locations in Odisha will establish a screening centre and report the identification of such cases to the CDM & PHO of the districts and Director, Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar in case of Biju Patnaik International Airport.

3. SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack, VSS Medical College, Burla & Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar will function as Nodal centres for isolation & treatment of such cases. The Superintendent of concerned MCH & the Director, Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar / The District Headquarters Hospital, Jharsuguda will also function as the Nodal centres for isolation & management of cases reported to them. The Director, Capital hospital, Bhubaneswar/ The CDM & PHO, Jharsuguda will take urgent steps for preparedness by creating facility for special wards for isolation, treatment including ICU care. All the centres are advised to have 24 x 7 control room for monitoring of such cases.

4. The treatment facilities in the hospitals will under function preferably the Pulmonary Medicine department/ Medicine when the Pulmonary Medicine is not available & the hospital will designate one faculty as Nodal officer for management of SARI. The services of the departments like Anaesthesia, ENT, Microbiology, Pathology or any other departments can be availed as & when required. The superintendent/ The Director, Capital Hospital, Bhubaneswar may form a treatment committee for this purpose.

5. The National Institute of Virology, Pune has been fully geared up the samples of the nCov.

6. Drugs & consumables may be indented to the OSMCL and during non availability of hospital stocks may be locally purchased to ensure free treatment under UHC.

7. The DPH, Odisha will take steps for provision of extra Group D staff required through the CDM & PHO/ Director, Capital, Hospital, Bhubaneswar.

8. The Paradeep Port Trust Hospital, Paradeep & the railway authorities will be requested to create their own facilities for isolation & management of such cases as this condition is travel related.

9. All concerned are advised for sending the daily health status of passengers under observation to the Director Public Health, Odisha, Bhubaneswar in prescribed proforma.

The death toll in China from the coronavirus outbreak mounted on Saturday as the first confirmed cases were reported in Europe, Australia and Malaysia, raising global concern over the spread of the Sars-like disease.

The number of deaths had risen to 41 people from 25 on Friday and 1287 were now infected with the virus in China, according to the reports.

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