Odisha Govt to Introduce Smart Meters to Check Power Theft | News Room Odisha

Odisha Govt to Introduce Smart Meters to Check Power Theft

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Government is planning to introduce smart meters to check power theft and meter tampering by the consumers.

Informing this, Energy Minister Dibya Shankar Mishra said that smart meters will soon be installed in towns to check power theft and meter tampering.
Intially, the government is planning to roll out the new metering system on pilot basis in Sambalpur and Rourkela towns.

For Sambalpur, the government will procure 4500 prepaid meters.
The primary objective of installing smart meter is to put a check on meter tampering, the Minister said.

The prepaid smart meters will have digital cards which can be recharged similar to mobile phones, DTH service etc, he said while adding that meter tampering can be checked remotely.

The new system will be implemented across the State based on the outcome in these towns.

Smart meters has two units: the metering device, which is with the distribution or utility company and a display unit that is installed at the consumer’s house.

The distribution agencies can detect unusually heavy demand, which may point to tapping of wires.

Smart meters have already been introduced in states like  Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka New Delhi and Puducherry.

Energy Minister Dibya Shankar MishraOdishaOdisha Governmentsmart meters