Odisha Issues COVID-19 Guidelines for December: Here’s Details | News Room Odisha

Odisha Issues COVID-19 Guidelines for December: Here’s Details

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Government today issued the fresh COVID-19 guidelines for the month of December.

Here are the details:

1. Lockdown in Containment Zones Lockdown shall be enforced within the Containment Zones.

Local Authorities i.e., District Collector/ Municipal Commissioner shall carefully demarcate the containment zones in accordance with the guidelines of MoHFW, Government of India/ H&FW Department, Government of Odisha. The Containment Zones will be notified by the respective District Collectors/ Municipal Commissioners and information will be shared with MoHFW. The notification shall be uploaded by the District Collector and by the State on the, websites.

In the Containment Zones, only essential activities will be allowed. There shall be strict perimeter control to ensure that there is no movement of people in or out of these zones, except for medical emergencies and for maintaining supply of essential goods and services. There shall be intense contact tracing, house-to-house surveillance, and other clinical interventions, as prescribed/ required. Guidelines of MoHFW/ H&FW Department, Government of Odisha shall be taken into consideration for the above Purpose.

Testing shall be carried out as per prescribed protocol. Listing of contracts shall be carried out in respect of all persons found positive, along with their tracking, identification, quarantine and follow up of contacts for 14 days (80% of contacts to be tracked in 72 hours).

Quick isolation of COVID.19 patients shall be ensured in treatment facilities/ home (subject to fulfilling the home isolation guidelines).

Surveillance for ILI/ SARI cases shall be carried in health facilities or outreach mobile units or through fever clinics in buffer zones.

Awareness shall be created In communities on COVID-19 appropriate behavior.

2. Regulation of activities in areas outside the Containment Zones
International air travel of passengers, except as permitted bY MHA will continue to remain closed till December 31, 2020.

Large social, political, sports, entertainment, academic, cultural, religious functions and other congregations will remain prohibit. till December 31, 2020.
Business to Business (B2B) exhibitions shall be allowed in exhibition halls with participants up to 50% of the hall capacity with a ceiling of 100 persons subject to compliance of COVID19 safety protocols.
Business to Customer (B2C) exhibitions/ Mela/ similar functions such as Toshali Craft Mela, Shisir, Saras, etc. shall remain prohibit.

a. Marriage related gatherings shall be allowed with a ceiling of 200 persons and funeral/ last rites relate gatherings with a ceiling of 50 persons, subject to the following conditions:
a. In closed spaces, a maximum of 50% of the hall capacity will be allowed subject to the above ceilings.

b. In open spaces, keeping the size of the ground/ open space in view, appropriate number of persons will be allowed, subject to the above ceilings, so as to ensure maintenance of prescribed physical distancing norm.

c. Wearing of masks, maintaining social distancing and provision of thermal scanning & use of hand wash or sanitizer will be mandatory.

Provided that the respective District Collector/ Municipal Commissioner shall take decision regarding the number of persons to be allowed in marriage related functions (within the overall limit of 200) keeping the, local situation in mind in the interest of the health of the people and issue specific order in that regard.

vi. All Medical Colleges of the State shall reopen with effect from December 1, 2020. Medical College Authorities shall follow all the SOPs /guidelines with respect to social distancing and prevention of spread of epidemic issued by Central/ State Governments scrupulously.

The Department of School & Mass Education is authorized to take appropriate decision with regard to the date of re-opening of schools under its control/ superintendence/ supervision in respect of classes from 9 to 12 Standard, in a graded manner in consultation with relevant stakeholders and issue necessary guidelines/ SOP.

The Department of Higher Education is authorized to take appropriate decision with regard to the date of re-opening of Colleges/ Higher Education Institutions under its control/ superintendence/ supervision in consultation with the relevant stakeholders and by following the guidelines/ SOP issued by guidelines UGC / AICTE / Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

The Department of Skill Development and Technical Education Department may take appropriate decision with regard to the date of re-opening of Engineering Colleges and other Technical Education/ Skill Development Institutions under its control/ superintendence/ supervision in consultation in a graded manner in consultation with relevant stakeholders and issue necessary guidelines/ SOP.
All Academic/ Technical/ Skill Development Institutions (except Medical Colleges) will remain closed till December 31, 2020 or till uch date as decided by the Departments concern..

Notwithstanding closure of Academic/ Technical / Skill Development Institutions, the followings will be permitted:

a. Conduct of examinations (academic, competitive and entrance tests), evaluation and other administrative activities.

b. Online/ distance learning shall continue to be Permitted and shall he encouraged.

c. The concerned department may permit teaching and non-teaching staff to be called to the School/ College/ Institution for online teaching/ tele-counselling and related work, in areas outside the Containment Zones only as per Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) issued by the Ministry of Education/ Health & Family Welfare

d. Higher Education Institutions will be permitted to open only for research scholars (Ph.D.) and post-graduate students in science and technology stream requiring laboratory/ experimental work.

e. All training activities including skill and professional development.

vii. All Anganwadi Centres shall remain closed till December 31, 2020 and the arrangement for supply of ration to the beneficiaries shall continue.

viii. Local Authority i.e., District Magistrate/ Municipal Commissioner may permit Public worship in religious places/ Places of worship with appropriate restrictions, based on local assessment of the situation with regard to spread of COVID-19 and in due consultation with relevant stakeholders, with observance of COVID-19 safety protocol. ix. Cinema halls, swimming pools, entertainment complexes, theatres, auditoriums, assembly halls and similar places shall continue to remain closed.

However, the followings will be permitted to open:

a. Open Air Theatres and similar places subject to compliance of safety protocols such as mandatory wearing of face masks, physical distancing, etc.

b. Swimming Pools owned and control. by Government/ recognized by the Department of Sports & Youth Services, Government of Odisha for training of sports persons as per SOP issued by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, GoI. x. Large meetings of members of associations/ clubs/ institutions/ organizations shall be avoided till December 31, 2020.

No authority shall impose any local lockdown at District, Sub-division, City or below level outside the containment zones and in case, it is felt absolutely necessary in the interest of containment of the disease and prevention of the spread of infection, the Collector/ Municipal Commissioner may move the Special Relief Commissioner for consultation with Central Government. However, the Collector/ Municipal Commissioner may, impose local restrictions on mobility, congregation, operation of shops and establishments, offices and other activities, if it is so required.
Subject to other provisions of this order, activities that are not specifically prohibited/ regulated/ restricted above are allowed subject to adherence to safety and health protocols and SOPS/ guidelines issued by appropriate authorities.

3. Functioning of Offices
All offices of State and Central Government and in Private Sector must ensure adherence to the SOP on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in offices issued by Department of H&FW, Government of Odisha dated 30 June 2020 (Annexure-II). General Administration & Public Grievances Department shall issue necessary guidelines/ order on functioning of offices with staggered office timings/ reduced number of employees/ other measures for ensuring physical distancing.
Non-adherence to these guidelines/ order will invite action under appropriate provisions of Disaster Management Act, 2005.

4. General Directives for COVID-19 Management
The following General Directives for COVID-19 Management shall be strictly followed throughout the State:

a. Face coverings/ Masks: Wearing of face cover/ mask properly is compulsory in public places; in workplaces; and in public transport (Annexure-III).

b. Physical distancing: Individuals must maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet in public places.

c. Shops and Commercial Establishments will ensure physical distancing and use of face cover/ mask by employees and customers. The onus of