Over 3,300 Civilians Killed, 14,600 Wounded by Afghan Conflict in 12 Months | News Room Odisha

Over 3,300 Civilians Killed, 14,600 Wounded by Afghan Conflict in 12 Months

New Delhi: In the war-torn Afghanistan, more than 3,300 civilians were killed and over 14,600 others wounded in conflict-related violence in the past 12 months, TOLOnews reported citing new figures released by the Ministry of Public Health of Afghanistan.

The time period measured is from September 16, 2018, to September 10, 2019.

However, the report does not make claims about which military or group is to blame, although it measures those killed in suicide attacks, which is 460 killed, and 1,200 wounded.

And while insurgent groups are responsible for a high number of civilian casualties, those monitoring the human cost of the war say that all sides in the fighting are responsible, TOLOnews reported.

The Independent Human Rights Commission has raised concerns over civilian casualties due to Afghan and foreign forces’ operations and airstrikes in the country.

In its latest report, the United Nations also expressed concern over civilian casualties in the Afghan war and called on the parties involved in the war to take measures to reduce civilian’s casualties.