PETA highlights plight of turtles suffering due to plastic fishing gear | News Room Odisha

PETA highlights plight of turtles suffering due to plastic fishing gear

Kolkata : To highlight the plight of marine turtles suffering due to the excessive use of plastic fishing gear, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has come out with a new campaign.

PETA has flooded the important locations in the coastal states such as Kolkata, Chennai, Kochi, Mumbai and Goa with billboards highlighting the plight of the marine titles.

According to a communique issued by PETA, the main theme of the billboard is that killing fish in the coastal states costs turtles their lives.

“Up to one million tonnes of fishing gear, which can take 600 years to degrade, enter the oceans every year, killing over 2,50,000 turtles who get entangled in them,” PETA said in the communique.

According PETA, these turtles are the typical example of “bycatch”, which is non-target animals getting killed by discarded plastic fishing gear.