Probe Panel re-issues arrest warrant against ex-Mumbai top cop | News Room Odisha

Probe Panel re-issues arrest warrant against ex-Mumbai top cop

Mumbai: A government-appointed probe panel on Wednesday re-issued the bailable arrest warrant against former Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh, who is the current Commandant General of Home Guards, after he failed to appear before it.

The decision of the Justice (retd) K.U. Chandiwal Commission came after the state CID submitted that the officer could not be traced either in Mumbai or Chandigarh to serve and executive the arrest warrant issued on September 7.

It has now set a fresh date – October 6 – for Singh to appear before it to give evidence, failing which the IPS officer could face a non-bailable arrest warrant.

The Commission is probing the allegations of corruption of Rs 100 crore levelled by Singh against former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh in a letter in April that sparked an uproar and led to the latter’s resignation.

Earlier, Singh has skipped several summonses by the Commission which has fined him thrice and he has paid up the penalties of Rs 5,000 (in June) and Rs 25,000 twice (in August) by depositing them in the CM Relief Fund with a warning of a higher fine if he does not appear at the next date.

The arrest warrant shall be sent to the DGP’s office which would make the necessary efforts to execute it as per the probe panel’s directions.