Rajya Sabha adjourned sine die one day ahead of its schedule

New Delhi: The proceedings of the Rajya Sabha were adjourned sine die on Thursday, within 18 minutes of its commencement amid Opposition commotion on price hike.

It was adjourned a day ahead of its schedule without transacting any business.

As the House assembled at 11 a.m., Chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu said that the House is going to be adjourned sine die today and that all questions, starred or un-starred, will be treated as laid. He then asked the ministers and members to lay the papers listed against their names.

Meanwhile, the Opposition Members, led by the Shiv Sena, started protesting against the price hike and demanded a discussion on the FIR registered against a former BJP MP.

Addressing the protesting Members, Naidu said that when the chair has rejected the notices given by some of them, discussion cannot happen.

“Do not register a negative impressions in my mind, please be seated and let the Zero Hour function, this is not the way especially on the last day of the session,”, Naidu said.

But the Opposition Members refused to budge and kept on raising slogans and some of them came into the Well.

The Chairman urged all agitating Members to resume their seats and asked BJP lawmaker Sushil Modi to raise his issue but he was not audible.

Naidu then asked the Opposition whether they were interested in listening to the concluding remarks of the chair on the second part of the Budget session or not?

When several requests for maintaining order went unheeded, chairman Naidu adjourned the House sine die without his concluding remarks.


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