Rourkela Bags Milan Pact Awards 2022 for eCool Mandi Project | News Room Odisha

Rourkela Bags Milan Pact Awards 2022 for eCool Mandi Project

Bhubaneswar: The Rourkela Municipal Corporation (RMC) has bagged the Milan Pact Awards 2022 for eCool Mandi Project at the 8th MUFPP (Milan Urban Food Policy Pact) Global Forum in Rio de Janeiro.

Rourkela has become the only Indian city to win the prestigious award. It has received the award in Social & Economic Equity category.

Congratulating the RMC for the feat, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik said that Odisha has made transformational progress in food security and sustainable livelihoods, setting precedent for others.

Milan Pact Awards 2022Rourkela