Russia University Completes Clinical Trials of World’s First COVID-19 Vaccine | News Room Odisha

Russia University Completes Clinical Trials of World’s First COVID-19 Vaccine

Moscow: The clinical trials of the world’s first COVID-19 vaccine have been successfully completed at the Russia’s Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University on Sunday, media reports stated.

The results of research proved the medication’s effectiveness, said Elena Smolyarchuk, who heads the Center for Clinical Research on Medications at Sechenov University.

The research has been completed and it proved that the vaccine is safe. The volunteers will be discharged on July 15 and July 20, said Smolyarchuk.

The volunteers will remain under medical supervision on an out-patient basis after being discharged, she added.

The first stage of research on the vaccine at Sechenov University kicked off on June 18 when a group of 18 volunteers were vaccinated. The second group of 20 volunteers were vaccinated on June 23, reported Russian news agency TASS.

Russia has become the first nation to complete clinical trials of Covid-19 vaccine on humans.