Mumbai: Varun Dhawan and Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently took to social media to drop their heartwarming photo. In the click, Samantha is seen wrapping her arms around Varun as they share a warm hug.
The duo posted this photo on their respective Instagram handles with the caption, “arre arre are.” In the comments section, they also engage in a cute fun banter. The photo shows Samantha sitting on Varun’s lap as they pose together for the camera. The two are seen twinning in brown sweater. Ahead of the release of their film “Citadel Honey Bunny”, the actors dropped this candid click, which speaks volumes about the chemistry their characters share in the film.
Directed by Raj & DK, the web series marks Varun’s first collaboration with Samantha. The web series is a spin-off of the American spy action series ‘Citadel’, which starred Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden. In “Citadel: Honey Bunny”, Varun stars as Bunny, a talented stuntman, alongside Samantha, who portrays a cunning spy.
In a statement, the ‘Kushi’ actor revealed what inspired her to join ‘Citadel: Honey Bunny.’ Samantha stated, “It’s not gimmicky and full of high-tech gadgets and technology. The world that is created is so real. The characters are genuinely relatable—ordinary people placed in extraordinary circumstances. That drew me in immediately. I also believe it was a brilliant move to set the show in the nineties.”
Talking about what makes this show unique, she added, “When you think of a spy film, high-tech gadgets and fancy technology often come to mind, but those elements can overshadow emotions and character arcs. This approach makes it more exciting for an actor. I think this is a very original way of doing things, completely different from the norm. It was an original idea, and I truly believe it was the best decision for the show.” Also starring Kay Kay Menon, Saqib Saleem, Sikandar Kher and others, the series is set to debut on Prime Video India on November 7.
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