Sonia Gandhi to Remain Congress’s Interim Chief, Next Head to be Selected Within 6 Months

New Delhi: Congress president Sonia Gandhi to continue as it’s interim president for now and the new party chief will be elected in the next six months, reports said.

Senior party leader PL Punia said that the next meeting will be “called soon, probably within six months, to elect new president”.

In the Congress Working Committee meeting, Sonia Gandhi reportedly offered to step down but was asked to continue by former prime minister and veteran colleague Manmohan Singh.

The meeting had turned fiery after those supporting Sonia Gandhi targeted the leaders who wrote a letter to her emanding “changes to the leadership”.

Rahul Gandhi suggested the CWC to form a committee to address elections for the next party president. Congress Interim presidnet Sonia Gandhi said that committee formation cannot be open ended and needs to be set up now.

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